Votre Beauté - The practitioner's view

The body shaping industry is experiencing substantial advancements in fat reduction technology. One energy-based platform is uniquely incorporating fractionated ultrasound technology and ultrasonic mechanical drainage (UMD) to deliver energy deep down to liquify fat cells and accelerate elimination through the lymphatic system.
Aesthetic - June 2023

​Aesthetic Medicine in 2023 - A Review What's Here and What's yet to be. Key Opinion Leader Interviewed on Future of Medicine : ULTRACONTOUR, U.LIFT by Dr E. Altunay, Dermatologist.The newest Dual Ultrasonic Focal Technolgy for Body contouring with hand free protocol- Sono dynamic Therapy - HOT PRODUCT BODY CONTOURING 2023 - with U.LIFT for Cellulite add on.
Aesthetic - Jan February 2023

Energy-Based Body Contouring Solution Delivers Convenience for
Patients and Practitioners By Kevin Wilson, Contributing Editor The Aesthetic guide Magazine.
"Treatment parameters are easily adjustable to accommodate different applications and individual needs. When using the UMD component, Ultracontour NG allows simultaneous precision
targeting of localized fat at depths between 0.8 cm and 1.3 cm, and up to five power levels. “You treat the fat first, then the UMD improves lymphatic drainage to stimulate the elimination of triglycerides for faster results,” said Dr.Tekeli. “Improvement in local microcirculation and stimulation of collagen is also helpful for
treating cellulite.”
Aesthetic - July August 2022
Aesthetic - Jan Feb 2022
The Technology is evolving to meet today's unprecedented demand for aesthetic procedures with Hand Free option. New Generation of Engineering UltraDynamic Therapy to treat Subcutaneous fat and Cellulite.....HOT PRODUCTS IN 2022 - ULTRACONTOUR NG
New Year, New Opportunities and Innovation - By Lisette Hilton, Contributing Editor : U.LIFT the Ultrasonic Update and Unwanted Dimples be Gone ! From 20 to 30 mn treatment, with hand free protocol, painless, the largest coverage area by Ultrasounds : Arms, Belly, Legs, Hips, Buttocks.

Aesthetic - Jan Feb 2021

Ultracontour NG from MedixSysteme AG (Ruggell, Liechtenstein) has eight key benefits in one machine from a hands-free protocol to multiple applicators, and painless non-invasive treatment with thermal, mechanical and vibrating effects safe for all skin types. Ultracontour NG offers up to 20 piloted and custom-programmed emitters which can be placed at various body locations simultaneously to treat subcutaneous fat in the arms, abdomen, legs, buttocks and love handles.

Ultracontour NG from MedixSysteme AG (Ruggell, Liechtenstein) has eight key benefits in one machine from a hands-free protocol to multiple applicators, and painless non-invasive treatment with thermal, mechanical and vibrating effects safe for all skin types. Ultracontour NG offers up to 20 piloted and custom-pro-grammed emitters which can be placed at various body locations simultaneously to treat subcutaneous fat in the arms, belly, legs, buttocks and love handles. Furthermore, specific programs are avail-able for men and women. The emitters deliver highly focalized frac-tionated ultrasound (termed sonodynamic therapy) for point-by-point targeting at the precise depth of local adiposity from between 0.8 cm and 1.3 cm, but with the unique UMD (ultrasonic mechanical drainage) effect automatically delivering intense pulses to the fat in larger areas automatically.
Aesthetic - Guide Autumn 2020

“Before going to visit the factory that manufactures Ultracontour, I was like Régine, totally skeptical. But I quickly became convinced of the efficiency and safety of this device when I realized that it was using a technology that had been proven for a long time in the therapeutic field: the destruction of kidney stones by ultrasound.”
GQ - “As Supermáquinas”
“Ultrassom de alta intensidade.
Avibração fazas células de gordura se chocarem e se romperem.
A gordura leberada é drenada para os vasos linfáticos e eliminada nas fezes.
Perda média de 1 à 2 centímetros por sessão.”

What is it good for?
«Ultracountour is perfect for patients who have not been able to lose fat around their stomach despite exercise and diet control, » says Dr. Mahaveer Mehta. «The treatment is a completely new way of permanently removing excess body fat and an excellent answer to achieving a flatter stomach. »
What does it involve?
Ultracontour generates high power ultrasonic waves that are precisely localised to a specific area and controlled in amplitude to remove fat, » explains Dr. Mehta. « Multisequential ultrasonic waves have been specifically developed to directly breakdown the fat cells and drain the fluids and the waste immediately after the session. The results of a tummy tuck can remain for many years, but only if there is no signifcant weight gain » explains Dr. Mehta.

In comparison, the Ultracontour device from MedixSysteme , offers dual ultrasonic technology: HFU and UMD from one platform.
Using this system, physicians apply energy below the kin’s surface in the subcutaneous tissue to treat fat cells and stimulate lymphatic drainage to increase lymph and blood circulation.
According to Rafael Nunes, M.D., a plastic surgeon at Slim Clinique (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil),
“We have a lot of devices in our clinics. Ultracontour is one of the best devices to treat body reshaping non-invasively.
In my practice, the number of non-surgical procedures has increased and is now, easily, up to 70% of my business.”
Aesthetic - Guide

“Essa tecnologia está um passo adiante dos aparelhos de ultrassom mais antigos, comuns nas clínicas de estética.
E tem um custo menor do que outros aparelhos do mesmo nível.
O UltraContour também conta com um dispositivo que, no final da sessão, faz uma drenagem linfática, facilitando a eliminação da gordura destruída.”
Boa Forma - “Por que é a melhor aposta?
Aesthetic - Guide
The Ultracontour device from MedixSysteme offers dual ultrasonic technology in a single platform.
Employing High Focalized Ultrasound (HFU) and Ultrasound Multi-Lymphatic Drainage (UMD) transducers, energy is applied beneath the skin’s surface in the subcutaneous tissue to treat fat cells and stimulate lymphatic drainage, increasing circulation.
The unit now comes with the U.lift module for body shaping, allowing practitioners to efficiently re-contour the body using the system’s combination therapy.